Life can be messy…

Hi everyone!

Well… three months later I find myself back on here, writing to you all again. Things have been crazy these past three months and a lot has changed. And, I find myself revisiting change, once again. I would apologize for being so MIA, but sometimes there is absolutely no way of knowing what is going to happen. The best intentions can sometimes go awry.

Anyway, here’s a quick recap of what has happened in the past three months:

When we last spoke, it was May 27th, 2018. I talked about being an outgoing, social introvert. Since then, I’ve had plenty drama happen in my life driving me to spend little time in my own apartment, thereby, not having a safe space away from school; I went through finals and midterms, you know, the normal school things; had what would usually be a three-hour flight become a whole 12+ hour travel day along with lost luggage; a realization that “me time” is more than just being by myself in my little corner; and I had surgery. No worries, I’ll break all of this down, simply to get it off my chest and catch you all up, such that moving forward, I’ll keep you up-to-date on most things in my life.

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